Finding something special seems to be the HARDEST thing you can possibly attempt to do at this day & time. you can't be yourself apparently because humans expect you to be too many things at once, myself & I have come to the agreement that we just don't DRENCH others with attention, we're VERY sorry because apparently, thats ALL humans want these days.
I just dont smother... i'm terribly sorry about this guys, its just not me. You just have to command my attention, its not a personal thing, i guess i'm just a loaner & most of the time the little attention i give, i think im being too clingy.
But i've learned that maybe i should just walk away from it all & chill, find someone who is happy with my weird balance of communication & attention, i'd much rather chill with you than chat/text/call you 24/7; never knew it was a problem. Just thoughts♥